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SEY Animal Welfare Finland

SEY, Animal Welfare Finland, active in animal welfare since 1901, is the biggest and most influential animal welfare group and animal protection expert in Finland. SEY acts for all animals and is active in the whole country. The practical animal welfare work is done by 40 member associations, and over 60 volunteering animal welfare inspectors and counsellors.

A woman holding a coffee cup, chicken standing on her shoulder.
The animal protection counsellors of SEY have been part of the overseeing of animal welfare in Finland and increasing people’s awareness of animal protection since 1902. Photo: SEY Animal Welfare Finland

Animal Protection Counselling

SEY has over 60 volunteer animal protection counsellors throughout Finland. The animal protection counsellors have been part of the overseeing of animal welfare in Finland and increasing people’s awareness of animal protection since 1902. On the basis of the received information, the animal protection counsellors make inspection visits to locations where animals are kept when there is suspicion of animal mistreatment. Most cases are resolved by counselling and co-operating with the owner. In serious incidents, the investigation is transferred to the authorities.

People contact the animal protection counsellors by telephone or Internet on various animal-related problems, whether big or small. SEY advises on animal-related problems over 20,000 times on an annual basis.

An old saluki dog in forest
The member associations are the animal protection experts of their own areas. Most work for homeless animals and wild animals, and some run animal shelters. Photo: Kari Kinnunen

Member Associations

SEY has 40 member associations throughout Finland. The member associations are the animal protection experts of their own areas. Most work for homeless animals and wild animals, and some run animal shelters. Some associations have a possibility to adopt a homeless cat, dog, or other pet. The associations also organize animal vaccination and identification marking campaigns, food drives, and other events.


SEY organizes campaigns and events on current animal welfare issues. SEY has organized the annual Animal Week (Eläinten viikko) campaign since 1959.

An dog lying on the ground.

Youth Activities

The prevention of animal protection problems is important for SEY, and therefore working with children and young people is a crucial issue. The Eläintaito web course on animals, school visits, and the information package for the Animal Week (Eläinten viikko) increase children’s and young people’s knowledge on animal issues and protection.

Kati Pulli from Animal Welfare Finland and Mai Kivelä from Animalia holding a "Better Animal Welfare legislation" sign.
SEY influences the legislation, policymaking and public opinion concerning animals. Photo: Animalia

Political Influencing

SEY influences the legislation, policymaking and public opinion concerning animals. SEY issues statements, negotiates and participates in working groups, and advisory boards as an animal protection representative.

Raising Awareness and Knowledge

SEY believes in knowledge as the basis of all animal welfare promotion. SEY organises training events, supplies materials and publishes bulletins. The member magazine Eläinten ystävä (Friend of Animals) discusses current animal issues and animal protection from grassroots work to political influencing.


SEY co-operates with animal welfare entities in several ways. These entities include agricultural and environmental organisations, kennel clubs, associations for recreational fishing, horse associations, the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Finnish Food Authority. The co-operation helps influencing animal protection views. SEY also has representatives in animal protection advisory boards that are drawing the animal protection guidelines for the foreseeable future.

International Activities

Eurogroup for Animals logo

SEY is the Finnish representative in developing the EU animal welfare legislation in Eurogroup for Animals, the head organisation for animal welfare groups in the EU. SEY is a partner of the World Animal Protection, and a member of the Nordic Council for Animal Welfare. SEY participates in international campaigns, and passes information to Finland.

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